A journey of discovery with no shortage of thrills. Follow your guide in complete safety along caving courses through the mine – the only ones of their kind in Europe.
All specialised equipment is provided (full suit, harness, helmet with headlight, and boots). Bring loose, warm clothing (temperature in the mine is around 10 °C). Tours supervised by a state-qualified caving guide.
The “Immersion Plus” tour picks up on the classic tour, but adds the discovery of a 16th century network that remains virtually unchanged. There is also a ladder to climb and a rope descent of about 20 m.
from age 8
Price : €29/person
The “Puits du fond” tour involves a course that is a bit more physically demanding. It takes the visitor to the heart of the mountain after descending 4 wells, which equates to a rope descent of about 100 m. For fitter visitors
from age 12
Price: €48/person
Tour of a 16th century mine, a veritable 3D labyrinth with various climbs and abseiling.
from age 12
Price: €48/person
Booking required.
Any other courses?
Parc Tellure personalises your underground tours.
Find out more!
A short passage along the 16th century networks, with some simple climbing and 2 abseiling descents of 12 m.
From age 8
Price: €38/person
The “Grande Colonne” tour provides a full but fun introduction to caving in the mine with:
– A rigid ladder climb of about 320 m
– A walk along a ledge, with visitors secured by a lifeline
– A zipline on the way back
– And a descent on a rope of about 20 m
from age 8
Price: €38/person
The “Colonne St Jean” tour offers a fun descent of 120 m, which includes a zipline, a pendulum, and a full-on abseil of 50 m. For fitter visitors
from age 12
Price: €60/person
Tour of a vast 16th and 18th century network at heights of 140 m, with some abseiling and both aerial and water-based sections.
from age 15
Price: €80/person
Then caving is the thing for you!
Caving is a form of underground exploration and classed as a sport. You will be safely roped up and supervised by a passionate state-qualified caving guide!
Then the Via ferrata is the thing for you!
The Via ferrata is a cross between hiking and climbing. You will follow a course that is specially designed for this activity (with cables, ladders, and ramps). You will be fairly independent as you make your away long the lifeline, which can be used with self-belay equipment.
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