Seasonal opening from spring break until All Saints’ Day,
from Tuesday to Sunday
10 am to 6 pm continuously
(Open July and August 7 days a week from 10am to 7pm)
Tellure is a contemporary complex, completely covered, housing a panoramic cinema, an optical theater, an audio-guided museum exhibition, a shop, and a bar with light refreshments.
All built on an authentic 16th-century silver mine, the Saint Jean Engelsbourg mine.
Yes, the tour of the mine is conducted in French by a guide. It is possible for them to lead bilingual tours in English or German, depending on numbers.
There is no minimum age. The only requirement is that children must be able to wear a helmet (helmets must be worn regardless of age), walk for 1 hour (800 metres), and/or be carried in a baby carrier (worn on an adult’s chest only).
Yes, this is mandatory throughout the tour. Disposable liners are provided with helmets.
No special equipment is required. Just bring closed, waterproof shoes and a jacket/fleece (10° in the mine).
The tour lasts 2 hours in total: 1 hour for the museum area and 1 hour for the guided tour in the mine galleries.
Yes, Tellure is open between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. and offers light meals and snacks.
An audio-guided museum area, a panoramic cinema, and an optical theatre.
Not for the classic tour of the mine.
Yes, for groups of more than 10 people.
Yes, for caving tours and the Via ferrata.
Yes, for the escape room.
Open Tuesday to Sunday from 10h to 18h without interruption.
contact us at
03 89 49 98 30
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Ouverture le 29 mars, du mardi au dimanche de 10h à 18h!